Sunday, April 27, 2014

Where are you on that road?

Luke 24:13-35 tells one of my favorite stories in the new testament, the Walk to Emmaus. It begins with a simple reflection that sets the stage for the reader and draws into question the importance of this story.  Pastor Deb unpacked this narrative beautifully and I've added footnotes from her sermon below.

"Now on that same day..." What day? In looking just before those words, one will note that it is the resurrection day - Easter Sunday still. Christ rose from the grave and showed himself to the women and then we move quickly to this story on the road to Emmaus.

It shows how important we are to the Lord and how our concerns and troubles are of great concern to Him. Of all things He could be doing in those moments He took time to walk along two troubled disciples and open their eyes to His very presence.

Where are you on that road?

Are you troubled and in need of an encounter with Christ? Have the troubles of your situation or circumstance weighed you down so much that you fail to recognize Him because the wind and the waves are all but swallowing you?

Are you in a little further down the path (in the story) and in need of Jesus Himself to open the scriptures to you and speak truth into your life? Open your Bible and be blessed by who God is and the realization that you might have skewed him to be a harsh owner or a demanding father. You couldn't be more wrong.

Are you standing at the door of a decision or along life's ebbs and flows and hearing the soft knock to open up and let him in for the first time, or even deeper than He is already? Don't let him stand outside and knock, but like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus - invite him in to stay.

Are you seated at the table, assured of your relationship and living in the spirit each day and simply need to see him once again in the breaking of the bread? Prepare your heart and mind to receive His goodness and come expecting.

Where are you on that road, because I assure you, you are somewhere. Find your starting location today and move another step closer. Close your eyes and breath in deep as your heart burns within you at the very recognition of your Creator and King.

Ahhh... but the end is the best. When Christ left them they got up and returned to Jerusalem to tell the story that Christ was indeed risen. When is the last time you told your story? Surely your ashes have been turned into beauty because of who God is... not who we are or what we've ever done to deserve it. It was in the telling of the story over and over by the various disciples that you and I belong to a body of believers known as the church.

Don't keep the greatest cure known to humanity for all that ails us and leaves us awake at night. Share your story and remember how Christ has made himself known to you on your own personal walk to Emmaus.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Verged from the Path

I was reading back through my journal recently and sat in amazement at the number of times in the last two years I've "verged from the path" God has me on. You know each time I moved away from him it wasn't that I made the decision to, it was a subtle small step of disobiedience. Something that didn't matter in my own eyes.

Joshua 1:7 says, “…do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” (God is speaking to Joshua about sticking to the commandments given to Moses)

I knew God's instructions to me were to stay on the path, but my way seemed better, faster – more efficient. But it wasn’t any of the following, it was a way to rebel that I could justify and remain tucked in my ignorance that every decision I make, every step I take to the right or left of the path God’s planned for me is one that could continue to lead me into the next poor decision.

As I'm trying to correct my small rebellions, I can feel the brilliance of Gods glory warming my heart and a still small voice whispering in my ear, “It is in the little things that I seek your obedience, daughter. Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Might sound trite, but make every decision you make unto the Lord - use his council and guidence and fall back on the old, "How would God feel about this if He knew?" Because He already does. :)

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding, but to acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will make our paths straight.

May your day be filled with Joy from the only joy-giver!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Resurrection Story

The chairs were full and the crowd brimmed with excitement at 9 and 11 this morning, the colors of life and joy spilling from every angle of our imaginations. 

The darkness of Friday was locked inside the sonrise of Easter morning and the praise that filled our small church left me breathless and on fire for God's glory to be magnified in a way that I've never experienced. 

Our beautiful preacher slipped off her lovely white sandals and pulled us deep into the story the began with a reminder of the darkness, a battle in the grave after redemption was offered in the form of a sacrifice nailed to a bloody tree and yet...

Before long we were right there with Joseph and Nicodemus, the women rushing into the scene next and the beautiful angel of God questioning why they were looking for the dead amongst the living?

Are you looking for the dead amongst the living, friend? Have you keep your eyes on things of earth and not of heaven for too long, so long that you might have forgotten the blessed message in our church today?

Just as Christ was raised from the dead, you too have been raised beside Him and offered new life. You have a story to tell, just as the women at the tomb did over 2000 years ago. What has God lifted you from? Where has he been active in your life?

Where have your ashes been turned to beauty? Don't think for one moment that your transformation cannot be a tool to bring others in, for it is in our greatest nightmares that we are rebuilt and remolded so that we can be living proof that God is alive, active and well TODAY.

Tell your resurrection story and if you need a place to start, start with the story of a God who loved you enough to sacrifice himself in the form of human flesh so that by his scars - you may be healed. 


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday of Holy Week

Remember these words we read at Christmas?

Luke 2: 34-35

34Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too."

"And a sword will pierce your own soul too."

Do you think Mary is remembering these words this morning?

Do you think she knows exactly what Simeon meant now?

Do you think she feels like she too has been beaten and a big part of her died last night as she watched her Son take his last breath?

Did she pray this morning before she got out of bed..."Please God let that all have been just a terrible dream...Let my Son still be here with me."

What pain and sorrow she must have felt as she gets up and realizes it was no dream.

Tomorrow, Everyone will celebrate his rising from the dead...But today..

Jesus lies in a tomb.

No one will mourn him more today than the woman that gave birth to him.

The woman that picked him up when he would stumble and fall as a child.

The woman that laughed when he said something funny and the woman that would give him those "momma looks" when boys will be boys...

For last night..."A sword pierced her soul."

In the name of Mary's baby boy...
